(951) 352-9646
The Best In
The Business
We embody this phrase because we believe in setting the highest standards and consistently exceeding them, making us the leaders in our industry
Commitment to Excellence
It means we never settle for common, always striving to surpass even our own standards. This commitment drives us to continuously improve, innovate, and exceed expectations
Embrace the Challenge
Challenges are opportunities for growth and learning, and we see each one as a chance to prove our resilience and ingenuity
Thrive Together
It means that our success is interdependent, and by helping each other succeed, we all prosper. Together, we achieve greatness
Why us?
Our Team
"I am committed to driving growth, fostering innovation, and ensuring that we remain a customer-focused organization. Together, we are shaping the future of our business."
"I am dedicated to streamlining processes, optimizing financial performance, and upholding the highest standards of compliance. Together, we're building a strong and sustainable foundation for our organization."
"I am dedicated to optimizing processes, enhancing productivity, and delivering the highest standards of quality. Together with our exceptional team, we strive for operational excellence."
Contact Us
High Light Electric, Inc.
1460 E Cooley Dr
Suite 100
Colton, CA 92324
P: (951) 352-9646
F:(951) 352-2498
(951) 352-9646